Tuesday, November 18, 2008

use herbalhairoil avoidhair loss

In Ayurveda, hair is considered to be a byproduct of bone formation. The tissue responsible for building bones are also responsible for the growth of hair. Ayurveda doctors believe that early hair loss is related to body type and the balance of the mind-body constitution (doshas). Pitta individuals, and those who have excess pitta in their system, are likely to lose their hair early in life, or have prematurely thin or gray hair. Excess pitta in the sebaceous gland, at the root of the hair, or folliculitis can make the person start losing hair.
Hair loss is treated in Ayurveda with a combination of diet, herbs, oil massage, meditation, aromatherapy, breathing and yoga.
To reduce pitta and preserve the health of hair, drink 1/3 cup aloe vera juice. Alternately, you can take 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel with a pinch of cumin 3 times a day for about 3 months.
Baldness is treated by bleeding from the forehead after treatment with oils and sweating, followed by lotions and pastes of manahsila, kuttannata, devadaru, gunja, malati, karavira, citraka, naktamala, blue and green vitriol, and black pepper.

hair oil using Sembaruthi flower( Hibiscus

You can prepare homemade hair oil
with the flowers. Heat 500ml of coconut oil. When it is hot and smoking, add hibiscus flowers
, then add fenugreek seeds, curryleaves and some neem leaves too if you can get that. Once it cools pour it in a glass bottle and leave aside for a couple of weeks. Then filter it and start using it. It is good for promoting hair growth.Hibiscus leaves are a great conditioner and gives smoothness and lusture to hair. Just make a paste of hibiscus leaves with water. You can use is after shampooing, or just mix with shikkakai paste and apply on your hair.

coconut raw oil

What is my foolproof works-for-me coconut oil hair recipe? I use two parts coconut oil, two parts olive oil, and ten drops or so of my essential oil of choice — which is usually rosemary, or lavender. I mix this in a small bowl and use this for a scalp massage — part my hair into four big sections and use my fingertips to apply. Then I apply the rest from the roots down to the tips. Messy bellas (like me) would be smart to use one of those little applicator botttles you can get a the beauty supply shop. Slip on the ol’ steam cap for half an hour to 45 mins, then wash it out with my favorite no-poo shampoo du jour (I still love Devacurl No Poo, but I really really like Hair Rules daily cleansing cream moisture rich no-suds shampoo. A full review of this much-discussed product line is coming soon, PROMISE.
After shampoo, I condition, detangle, and after all of that’s done, sometimes I use a little coconut oil along with my favorite styling product as well! That’s been my hair routine of late — in the past I’ve added sesame oil and honey to the pre-poo mix,